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Knowledge sharing - replies
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RE: RE: Knowledge sharing - project ended
(Had to split the post because of length)

There's not really much I can say that wasn't said before... but I'll try :P

Originally posted by ka0z
I think that Patchou has a big head, his app is great and all, but what has he brung to the msn community?
Exactly, his big head and his great app. And, as said before, his whole life, his hosting fees fore more than 2 years without almost any donation and all about 10 GameCubes.
jack shit!! he effectivly STOLE the msn community's audience - so when he comes into the msn community forum acting like hes done us a favour, people get mad...
Only thing i am jealous of is he has the monopolized the MSN add-on market as no one else knows how to do it.
Ohh sure... "Hey, that guy is intelligent and can do things I can't. It's so unfear! Mom, steal him his code or ask him to give it to me so that I can do the same that he can without spending time or being so intelligent." That's what patents are for. They are not free. Patchou gives his software for free, all it should do is encourage programmers to do it the hard way by finding out how to do it, not by asking for the source code.


if patchou cared for the msn community AT ALL he would of made Plus module based, but no
Actually, that's A.K.A. plugins. Oh, btw, that's in Plus!.

all he cares about is DOMINATING the msn scene (to which he provides very little)
What's bad of dominating the msn scene? So in your opinion, people should just keep doing color-changers (no offense intended to those who do them)

enough said above, you just are not intelligent enough to discuss in a civilized way.

and like i said, i had respect for this clown before..
yeah, sure... when his program was not better than any other and, then, you thought that others were clowns.

but now hes going round stating everyone with a negative opinion of HIM (and note i say HIM not PLUS) is jelous..
Those are facts. Did you read the thread you replied to?

whats worse is he sounds extremely intellegent while hes doing it, so all these little kids round here will fight until the death
He is extremely intelligent while he's doing it. I don't see your point, you are beating yourself there...

and hey Patchou, get your head out of your ass, this is the real world.
Luckily, this world is not the real world. If the world was full of people like you, i'd rather keep away of it... Really, no offense intended. I'm just stating facts: you should learn not to hate for the sake of it.

And I'm not sucking up either. It's not exaggerating. I know Patchou (not as much as Fraisie, but I know him) and your replies are simply out of place. Most of them.
12-17-2003 01:53 AM
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