As an ex-developer (made some big programs back in the stone age *DOS*):
Every snipped of code in any language, providing it is very well documented, can give tons of information. Although most information is available (like hooking) it is snipped across the net. It would be great for people involved in Messenger-programming (let's call it that) to see a concrete example on how it is done.
However, and this shouldn't let you stop publishing it, you will get complaints like: "He still didn't release a thing", "It's all old information", "It's useless". Well I know, you'll know that these comments are from people who don't want to learn or are *fill in the blank*...
But there is also the kind that doesn't have enough knowledge to take advantage of it, yet they still wanna have fun, learn and develop. For those people, a further development of the plugins would be very great... (Then I think about the ability for plugins to react on recieved messages without user input with the /x* commands, that would be a major step forward... -> bot creating for example (which is in great demand))
But indeed you can't satisfy everyone and that's something we all have to deal with it, whatever you decide...
Happy thinking and head-breaking thoughts