hmmmmmmm damn well lets see worst ones from high school... one day i was walking with a whole group of m8s coming back in after the break and for some reasons my head has a gravitational pull with balls. Any way out of nowhere a socor ball manages to some how miss all my m8s around me that where roughly the same hight as me and smack me in the head.
Hmmmm another storey ohh a m8 was bugerising around with me wit a steel cabel made into a lasso .... and i say to him youl never get me at that instant the laso goes around my leg and i get draged by him for about 10m infront of a shizen load of people.....
Ummm i had a dude that was a brick layer part time in a locker above me and well he was a top dude but one day he cracked it grabed me by the scruff of the back of the shirt and literally threw all 65kg of me the 5m through the air to the otherside of the coridor.
Hmmmm ok i got another grade 7ish just starting high school and it was school swiming day i was still wearing the old dick pointers(speedos) .... and well there was lots of chicks in bekinies around and well you can guess what happened.
. was embarising at the time but a few chicks found me more interesting after that so i carnt complain.....
well the list goes on and on but after looking back on them i carnt even beleve i got embarased over them. Oh next time you walk into the wrong class room just stand blank for a sec and then go oh fuck this aint my class and walk out. Its one of the few times you will get away with swearin. and you still look cool because you where composed and handeled the situation.