Hmm, most embarrassing thing didn't happen
to me, but I caused it
we were on this camp, well it was a 4th form camp, I was 6th form, I was there as a leader type person
Well anyway, we went to a close by hot pools on the last night, everyone went, including the teachers. This science teacher told the P.E teacher to 'wedgy,pantsed, dacks' me, which didn't work, cayuse I saw him coming.
So, I got the P.E teacher back, he was in some pain.
the embarrassment came for the science teacher.
I gave him one, and seeing as he is a twig, I could lift him up by changing the hand position, and push him up above head height.
he had shorts on, without lining, or undies on. His shorts went right up his ass (I didn't see it as he was above me, but other did :/) and right up the front. And, we were welcomed by Mr Winky
, right in front of the female teachers
Quite disgusting, but I didn't actually see it, but heard his ass was quite white