Originally posted by Shawnz
The instalation can rely on some files being on the server, because if the server was down, you wouldent have the base install in the first place.
you're wrong. because i can send (share feature) plus to my contacts and then the server may be down so they won't be able to install plus. it's just an example but there may be more.
Originally posted by Shawnz
And yes, people sould be able to pick what to add during setup, just have the most basic things checked arleaedy, and the REALLY basic things part of the core program.
I quote myself:
by me
People will complain saying: "hey this doesn't work for me" just because they didn't installed that feature
and that may happen with all features even if they're not the most usuall ones.
Originally posted by Shawnz
And for the scripting language- dont ruin our fun. Tell me whats easier: coding a script to make a dialog appear in MIRC, or coding a script to make a dialog appear in VB or VC???
VB of course!!
I have no idea about doing that in mirc. However I can do it in VB and VC and Delphi and Java and... do I continue?
Originally posted by jackass_wanabe
msgbox " hi, im mr dialog "
It can't be easier !!