O.P. Handwriting Enabler
New plug-in by wtbw and The Blasphemer for windows xp
Since many people are having problems with the MSN Handwriting plugin,
I thought I might be able to help some of them by writing a quick
troubleshooting guide.
First of all, I'd like to apologize for the fact that it took so long
to write this document. Because of some private stuff, I haven't been
able to do very much the past week.
Ok lets get started. Because some people did not get this plugin to
work at all, and it is disturbing MSN, I will first explain how to
un-install it. Most people try uninstalling Messenger Plus, however
this will not work since it will not delete the plugin, and the plugin
will still be there after a re-install.
These are the steps to un-install Msn Handwriting.
1.Stop MSN Messenger completely, or make sure the DLL
Is not loaded.
2.Browse to X:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 2\Plugins\
Where X is the drive you installed windows on.
3.Delete MsnHandWriting.dll, or rename it to something not ending
on .dll (like MsnHandWriting.bak)
4.Re-start MSN Messenger, or reload your plugins.
Now we know how to uninstall it, lets take a look at the known problems,
and their possible fixes:
(P is Problem, S is solution)
P: Messenger gives an error "We are unable to start a conversation with ...
, please try again later" everytime i try to start a conversation
S: Make sure the Ink Redistributables are installed! They should be included
with the install package, if not, re-download it from Mess.be or the Plus!
Website. If this does not help, your system might not be able to work
with Ink messages.
P: If i try to send a message, MSN Immediatly tells me it can not be delivered,
without even displaying the original message
S: There is no solution to this (yet), Once I have time I will try to investigate
it, and find a solution. However it looks like it is a bug in how MSN works
on Tablet PC. I might release a version to allow you to disable ink writing
on specific conversations, but I haven't had enough time to do that yet.
P: When i choose "Convert" nothing seems to happen
S: Convert is something made for tablet PCs, It is supposed to convert your
written text to typed text, however this does not seem to work on normal
P: When i click "Handwritten" MSN automatically goes to convert mode.
S: This means your contact can not see Ink messages, thus MSN tries to switch
to convert so it is converted to text. However see the above problem
P: MSN Crashes after re-loading my plugins.
S: Oops! sorry! my mistake! Didn't restore MSN to its original state!
Will fix in the next version
P: My problem is not mentioned here!
S: Mail me! theblasphemer [at] hotmail [dot] com
I hope this document solved most of your problems!
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This post was edited on 03-10-2004 at 04:50 AM by dotNorma.