RE: MsgPlus2 - NEW Website
i c what you mean, frontpage isn't as nice as PHP, I agree.
but if you know everything about frontpage you can make a pretty nice site for minimal effort. I don't think you will need it but it maybe be something to think about. I have no more comments about this cause i'm not going to go on saying frontpage rocks. cause it doesn't, PHP can blow frontpage away, and the problem is with frontpage is it goes by the rule of, What You See Is What You Get.
PHP would be nice, however, patchou would need a permanent web master if he does not know PHP, or he would have to lean it. At the same time there is the problem that he would need frontpage to edit his page, which is not cheap so either way would have its problems. I would pick PHP. Patchou would have to think about it and decide for himself.
The reason why it is so hard to edit frontpage in its HTML is because the HTML is all scrambled and very hard to decode. But PHP is easy to decode if you know it well. because it was wrote by hand and is all neat (or it can be). But like i said, you have to know it.
This post was edited on 12-20-2002 at 04:47 PM by firecracker.