O.P. Broken logs?
ive been experiencing broken log files, where when i have someone in more than one convo window (like a group convo of which they are a member and a private convo) each time i switch between the windows msg plus logs the things said as a new convo. it's easier if i give an example so here goes:
Windows Version: Windows XP, 5.01.2600
Messenger Client Version: 6.1.0155
Messenger Plus! Version: 2.54.0074
ive also tried: msn 6.1.0207 and 6.1.0211
i dont recall it happening pre-msg plus 2.5 but it may have.....im pretty sure it didnt in any case.
| Session Start: 01 ------ 200- |
| Participants: |
| 1337 Tarded (xxxx@hotmail.com) |
| person a (xxxl@hotmail.com) |
[22:17:16] person a: hey whats up
[22:17:24] 1337 Tarded: hmm nothin
| Session Start: 01 ------ 200- |
| Participants: |
| 1337 Tarded (xxx4@hotmail.com) |
| person a (xxx@hotmail.com) |
| ...beat and move with my body (xxx@hotmail.com) |
| ...u used to be, broadway is dark tonight (xxx@hotmail.com) |
[22:19:12] broadway is : i sprayed tracy wif half a pot of perfume
| Session Start: 01 ------ 200- |
| Participants: |
| 1337 Tarded (xxx@hotmail.com) |
| person a (xxx@hotmail.com) |
[22:18:43] person a: yourself?
| Session Start: 01 ------ 200- |
| Participants: |
| 1337 Tarded (xxx@hotmail.com) |
| person a (xxx@hotmail.com) |
| ...beat and move with my body (xxx@hotmail.com) |
| ...u used to be, broadway is dark tonight (xxx@hotmail.com) |
[22:19:16] person a: i gotta go
all im doing is switching between windows, i dont know if this is a bug or not but its very very annoying, if it infact isnt a bug could mass convos be logged seperately? or at least could msg plus log convos that start first above convos that start later in chat logs. ty