Originally posted by Johnny_Mac
Any testing I do is with my good old friend Johnny_Test. Or sock.
Originally posted by Guido
* Guido gets ready for all Dane Smith's super-archi-hyper-exciting articles!
Originally posted by Patchou
I'm bbbwwwaaaaacccckkk. I'll probably post something about my trip sometime during the weekend. Everything was great (as always at Disney World).
I didn't know you were at Disney World!
I envy you...
It's so far away from here.
Anyway, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed! Welcome back, and I'm sorry I've sent you so many Emails...
Originally posted by EvilSeph
You'll appreciate the wait when you see the final product. Public beta's just convince people that Plus! is full of bugs, and us testers aren't doing our jobs. No thanks =).
Yes, but in my opinion, a public release candidate (which, as far as Patchou and the testers concern, is bug-free) would be a good idea, because then thousands of Plus!-fanatics could test it and make sure it's really bug free, on all strange system configurations.
Then, after a week or so, if everything goes well for everyone, the auto-update feature would start telling people to update, and the new Web site would launch.
But that's just a suggestion.