RE: Windows Messenger vs MsgrPlus - conflict
I've tried to reproduce this problem several times and I couldn't succeed. I'm using the same Windows version, Windows Messenger version and MSN Messenger version you reported in your first post. I know this may seem obvious but, did you try to reinstall Windows Messenger after updating your version of MSN Messenger? the kind of problem you're reporting is generally related to an unproper registration of Windows Messenger in the system.
The only times I got MSN Messenger to automatically start on my system was when another application was requesting the Messenger object (such as Outlook or Internet Explorer). I recommed you to uninstall any Messenger plugin you have (Messenger Plus! plugins and Windows Messenger service plugins) and let me know if it solves anything.
I know from past experience that bad registration of Messenger can cause a lot of different kind of problems. Generally, unisntalling both Windows Messenger and MSN Messenger, then reinstalling them both. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful and I hope that these suggestions will help you fix your problems. If they don't and if you are willing to put more time in this investigation, please send me an email to I'll send you a beta version of the forthcoming Plus!3. This version generates a debug log file that will help me find out what's going on on your computers. However, as I said previously, it is important to disable any registrer plugin before doing any test as plugins tend to call the Messenger API the wrong way.