Well wj, I also respect your opinion about Linux, but I still got to answer in an honest way:
Everytime I'm talking about problems in Linux, it's always my fault. Everyone is talking about problems in Windows, i's always the fault of Microsoft. I'm sorry but for me, a good OS is an OS where you don't need to configure 30 INI files and know a thousand of commands to get things working properly. It'S also an OS that can think by itself, and that's what is cruelly missing in Linux. If I wanted to a server that needed so much assistance, I would simply install MSDOS and reply myself to all the HTTP requests the computer receives. That's really the feeling that Linux gave me over the year. And, as for rebooting, I never rebooted my Windows server once for any update.
When you talk about random crashs, that actually reminds me of my linux box, not the Windows one. I don't say Windows never crashes, I'm just positively sure that it's globaly more stable that Linux for many reasons. I really think that you don't see the big picture when you talking about Linux reliability. You and all the Linux fans admit it: a Linux box has to be extremely well configured to work. Well, that's a big defect if you want my opinion. You can compare this to my GameCube: it certainely never crashes, and the reason is simple: the OS is made for one given hardware. It's the same thing for Linux.. as long as you don't have configured everything depending on your hardware and the need of the current moment, nothing works. That's why you always got to do things in a Linux server: it doesn't adapt itself to the situation. For all those of you who say that "the server is configured exactly how you want it, it's optimised!", I say "bullshit!". What would you say if you had to change the content of several configuration files, in many scattered directories, each time you want to create a new kind of document in Word? what would you say if, after you install Messenger, it didn't work well until you change things in its configuration file to say how many messages you expect each day?
An OS that doesn't do anything for you is just not good. My Windows server can adapt to the situation, reacts accordinly, and that's exactly why I almost forgot the admin password
What I would like to see next to your famous uptime stats is the time the administrator spent in each server. And anyway, as I said, my server is very busy and it's been running for the past three months non stop already. It doesn't show any sign of fatigue and at last, I don't have the change the number of httpd processes spawn depending of the number of visits I get each week
. Tell me, in what way your linux server is better than that? In fact, may I also add that most of the companies who thought about migrating their Windows server to a Linux environnement realised the same thing and backed down for the exact same reasons I'm giving in this message? a linux server is as good as its administrator is. Windows is just great, all alone
Don't take all this wrong and feel free to post your reply my friend
. I just like to have good discussions with good arguments and intelligent people