RE: My Windows server
I have a lot of experience with Windows Servers and I can say from running a high demand school on some dodgy servers that Windows is simply excellent at what it does, it's stable easy to use.
Linux is a cool operating system as well. Although it is frustrating to see it behave in the ways it does from time to time. The best Linux setup I ever seen was at my college. We had 30 p1 166MHz in our learning centre loading a basic kernel launching a citrix ICA client and then booting into Windows 2000. Truth is we tried this in DOS and it just didnt work. Linux is more powerful from the bottom down.
I've got to say given the choice I prefer Windows the top end is far more advanced and stable. I dont see security as an issue in this argument as I have a friend who can destroy even the most secure Linux box, and we well have seen what happens with Windows security.
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