This post is a reminder of
some (minor and major) faults (most technicaly) currently in the latest translations.
So, this is a "must read" for all the translators out there!!!
This concearns the translations for:
Bahasa Indonesia,
Chinese Simplified,
Chinese Traditional,
Español (España),
Español (Latino),
Norsk (Bokmål),
UPDATE 3 (may 25th): I checked all the languages again. Check yours for the updated list.
UPDATE 2: I had a very very quick look in some menu's in Messenger Plus! and discovered that some lines are too long in some languages. So do check your translation in Messenger Plus itself!
(current languages checked for this: Afrikaans, Arabic, Bosanski, Deutsch (translator notified), Bahasa Indonesia (translator notified), Français, Italiano, Norsk (Bokmål))
UPDATE 1: I also checked for double spaces in the middle or at the end of textlines. So recheck the list please...
Note that there may be faults that I've missed. I only checked the translations roughly and quickly.
Note that I didn't checked spelling, nor grammar, nor other language rules. I also didn't check for the consequent use of titles, names, etc... And I didn't check for ampersand collisions/missing...
Afrikaans (Lang_Afrikaans.ini)
Incomplete translations:
[Commands]ErrorStartVideo is used for both the videochat as for the audiochat. (see
DefaultLg.dat) So, check out your translation for them.
Double keys, delete one of them:
Obsolete keys, delete them:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Too long textlines:
(it could be that there are more, I've only found these after a very quick look thru some menu's within Plus!)
Arabic (Lang_Arabic.ini)
Obsolete keys, delete them:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Too long textlines:
I've seen some textlines, menu's and buttons that are half-truncated!
Check out:
[PrefDlg.CmdTags]Text2 <= missing ")"
* Sometimes there is "<word><space>," and sometimes just "<word>,"
* Sometimes there is "<word><space>.." and sometimes just "<word>.."
* Sometimes there is "<word><space>:" and sometimes just "<word>:"
* Sometimes there is "..." and sometimes "...."
etc... but these are very small minor things
Bahasa Indonesia (Lang_Bahasa (Indonesia).ini)
Checked with updated version from the translator, everything seems ok...
Bosanski (Lang_Bosnian.ini)
Are these correct?:
CurrentLanguageA should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the limited normal character set.
So this must be changed to
CurrentLanguageA=Bosanski also.
If the languagename can't be represented with the normal character set then and only then, the English translation must be used. While CurrentLanguageM should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the character set of your own language. (see TranslationGuidelines.doc for more details)
for example:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Too long textlines:
Did a quick view, nothing seems too long at first sight...
Català (Lang_Catala.ini)
Checked with
new version, everything seems ok...
Chinese Simplified (Lang_Chinese Simplified.ini)
Checked with version from Plus! 3.00.92, everything seems ok...
Chinese Traditional (Lang_Chinese Traditional.ini)
Checked with version from Plus! 3.00.92, everything seems ok...
Dansk (Lang_Danish.ini)
Very minor thing:
Almost all lines in the translation ends with a space. Although this is not a real fault, it isn't needed...
Deutsch (Lang_Deutsch.ini)
Checked with
new version, everything seems ok...
Español (Espana) (Lang_Espanol (Espana).ini)
Checked with version from Plus! 3.00.92, very small error found, fixed is confirmed...
Español (Latino) (Lang_Espanol (Latino).ini)
Obsolete keys, delete them:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Eesti (Lang_Estonian.ini)
Forgotten/incomplete translations:
For the sound-command "Come On!" there is no translation given, see for the fix.
Are these correct?:
CurrentLanguageA should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the limited normal character set.
So this should be changed to
If the languagename can't be represented with the normal character set then and only then, the English translation must be used. While CurrentLanguageM should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the character set of your own language. (see TranslationGuidelines.doc for more details)
for example:
Check out:
* Sometimes "<word><space>:" is used, sometimes just "<word>:"
[IMWindowMenu]SBeRightBack <= only ".." instead of "..."
[Dialog.UpdateNotif]CancelButton <= only ".." instead of "..."
Français (Lang_Francais.ini)
Checked with version from Plus! 3.00.92, everything seems ok...
Galego (Lang_Galego.ini)
Incomplete translations:
[Commands]ErrorStartVideo is used for both the videochat as for the audiochat. (see
DefaultLg.dat) So, check out your translation for them.
Obsolete keys, delete them:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Greek (Lang_Greek.ini)
This language file is a real mess. It's still full of original English parts!!! Delete all these as your translated parts will not be read out because the English parts come first.
Obsolete keys, delete them:
Missing keys:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Hebrew (Lang_Hebrew.ini)
Checked with version from Plus! 3.00.92, everything seems ok...
Italiano (Lang_Italiano.ini)
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Check out:
[Install]FileCopyError => double ":"
Japanese (Lang_Japanese.ini)
Checked with version from Plus! 3.00.92, everything seems ok...
Korean (Lang_Korean.ini)
Checked with
new version...
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Magyar (Lang_Magyar.ini)
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Norsk (Bokmål) (Lang_Norsk (Bokmal).ini)
Checked with
new version (rev:2.6), everything seems ok...
Português (Lang_Portugues.ini)
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Check out:
[PrefDlg.POP3Email]Label1 <= There is a space before ":", dunno if this is intentional...
Suomi (Lang_Finnish (Suomi).ini)
Are these correct?:
[FileInfo]CurrentLanguageA=Finnish (Suomi)
[FileInfo]CurrentLanguageM=Finnish (Suomi)
CurrentLanguageA should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the limited normal character set.
So, these must be:
If the languagename can't be represented with the normal character set then and only then, the English translation must be used. While CurrentLanguageM should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the character set of your own language. (see TranslationGuidelines.doc for more details)
for example:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Svenska (Lang_Svenska.ini)
Checked with
new version (.92f), everything seems ok...
Thai (Lang_Thai.ini)
Obsolete keys, delete them:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)
Valencià (Lang_Valencian.ini)
Are these correct?:
CurrentLanguageA should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the limited normal character set.
So this must be
If the languagename can't be represented with the normal character set then and only then, the English translation must be used. While CurrentLanguageM should contain the name of your language in your own language (not in English), but in the character set of your own language. (see TranslationGuidelines.doc for more details)
for example:
Obsolete keys, delete them:
Double spaces detected in or at the end of:
(=<space><space> instead of <space>. Note: this may be intentional or maybe not, so this is just reminder.)