Originally posted by Sk3tch
Im not sure if this stands as a Bug Report but i can see what you mean.
I think the idea of the away-message is that you are intended as "away" so you wouldn't be expected at your computer (playing a game or whatever)
Either way, maybe someone will have more of an insite into this. But i don't see it as a Bug unless it never used to do this, and im sure it did.
Well, I used with Messenger Plus! 2 to have a busy message for when I play games. It said something like "I can't use MSN Messenger right now, but you can always contact via phone at: "
Now with Messenger Plus! 3, when I use an auto-message, everytime I receive a new message, the window takes focus, minimizing my game.
It's seems that Patchou just forgot to recode the part where it prevents the window from taking focus.