RE: Stuffplug-NG Re-started
Whats the chances of including the police alphabet code, like the big letters. so you can type a message and it swaps the characters for the police code words. In case you don't have them they are
A = Alpha
B = Bravo
C = Charile
D = Delta
E = Echo
F = Foxtrot
G = Golf
H = Hotel
I = India
J = Juliet
K = Kilo
L = Lima
M = Mike
N = November
O = Oscar
P = Papa
Q = Quebec
R = Romeo
S = Sierra
T = Tango
U = Uniform
V = Victor
W = Whisky
X = X-ray
Y = Yankee
Z = Zulu
I reckoned this should be pretty easy to include as it is nearly the exact same principle as the big letters.