I'm really sorry about my answer CyR, I knew it would be frustrating to read but you have to understand that I wouldn't say this if I was not 100% sure (which almost never happens except for things as touchy as the sponsor program). In any case, you intended to help by reporting it as a possible bug and I thank you for this.
Here is the part of the setup code related to the sponsor (in case it would interest someone) :
//Will we have to install the sponsor?
if(m_panel3.IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_ACCEPT) == BST_CHECKED)
g_bInstallSponsor = true;
g_bInstallSponsor = false;
//Launch the installation
DWORD nThreadID;
TRACE("Messenger Plus! will now be installed");
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, NULL, &InstallProc, NULL, NULL, &nThreadID);
The only other way InstallProc() can be called is through the use of a /silent switch. In both cases, g_bInstallSponsor is never modified in InstallProc(). Of course, everything related to the sponsor is in one big
if(g_bInstallSponsor) { ... } inside InstallProc().