Originally posted by Anubis
Intel SCeleron 733 mhz Processor
Eeek...That's a bit low for a server...
Well yes, but I said it's left-over parts, didn't I? I mean I have to say it's a prety good server getting the spare parts for free and buying a $20 NIC
Originally posted by Anubis
Personally I'd use Linux Redhat over a Windows 2000 that's running the Apache Web Server...The windows server 2003 can be dodgy if it's cracked, with hackers mainly...
Well I would prefer to keep it on the Windows side for compatibility because when it's not in use I would like to have it as a secondary PC....I am planning on buying a 19" LCD monitor in the fall, so the one I'm using can go over to the server, along with my old mouse and some random keyboard I can get for, what, $10 or $20