Originally posted by greeze
But it's not Plus! that's doing it. Messenger is adding that entry to the HKCU/Run key every time the computer starts up. But Messenger only does this if Plus! is installed:
that's correct. I'll explain that a bit better: Plus has an exe: msgplus.exe that has to be run when windows starts so when you start messenger you ca access the plus' features. In that moment, msgplus.exe loads a DLL into messenger and is that DLL the one that does all the plus stuff, included the thing you're seeing: that dll registers plus (msgplus.exe) to be loaded when windows starts, but bacause of that dll is loaded in messenger, the effect is that messenger is doing that action.
Originally posted by greeze
Does Plus! remove Messenger from the HKCU/Run key, thus forcing Messenger to register itself again?
No. Plus doesn't change the configuration of messenger.