O.P. RE: [vb] getting own msn nick(without messenger api)
No that one doesnt work, because i first must read the nickname then I convert all the characters, and then I set the new nick.
this is the current code:
ElseIf (StrComp(LCase(sCommand), "/xunireplacenick", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
UniForwards (Messenger.MyFriendlyName)
sResult = "/nick " & newnick
ParseCommand = True
Exit Function
It works great on my machine, but I tried it on serveral others but it doenst work I installed windows messenger 4.7..it doenst work..I installed windows messeger 5.0.. it doenst work..
isnt there a way to do somethinh with:
Sending command (!P) getting the output without printing???