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Why Is My Game Menu Different Then Others ? ? ?
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RE: Why Is My Game Menu Different Then Others ? ? ?
Originally posted by çr@nK
I know that this hasn't anything to do with your problem but it's a simple solution, try this:
1. Go over here
2. Download and run the patch.
3. Register an account.
4. logon and choose create a new tab.
5. Fill this in: ...
6. Save it and restart MSN Messenger.

Now you can start "Custom" games from a tab.
It aren't really custom games but it are all the official games (of all country's).
If I may be so blunt, this is realy bad advice!

You don't have to create any tabs and it will only confuse even more if you're not use to it....

He simply needs to read and follow the instructions given on http://www.msnfanatic.com/tabserv/

I'll repeat what I've posted before in that thread of which I gave the link in a previous post and will give detailed step-by-step instructions:

In short: You must install a patch and register an account in order to let it work, you can download the patch from http://www.msnfanatic.com/tabserv/. And while you're there read the instructions. Everything you need to know and do is on that page....

Note: Remember to close your messenger completly before patching and restart Messenger in order to show your tabs after patching (it is possible that you need to log in/out a couple of times the first time). To close Messenger completely, you have to right-click on it's icon in the systemtray and choose "Exit".

1. Go to http://www.msnfanatic.com/tabserv/.
2. Read that page very carefully and make sure you understand it.

3. Register an account by clicking on "Register".
4. Fill in the needed fields.
* .NET Passport: Your .NET Passport (your Messenger email that you use) where you want to add more/custom tabs/games. It is VERY important that you use the exact same email here as you use in Messenger!
* Password: This doesn't need to be the same password that you use on Messenger; This password is only to login to TabServ.
* Re-type Password: obvious I think ;)

5. Login to your just created account by clicking on "Login".
6. Now you are on the page which shows your tab-list.
7. To add tabs, click on "Add Tab" and choose a tab from the extensive list. So you can choose for example the "Messenger Plus"-Tab, the tab from "Neowin", etc...

8. On that same page, you can also choose to alter your "App Directory URL's". These are used for the menu that will hold the games. So to add the custom games from mess.be, change the following URL's by clicking on "Edit":
* App Directory Page: http://appdirectory.brinkster.net/menu/LaunchMenu.aspx?L=en-US
* App Directory Service: http://appdirectory.brinkster.net/AppDirectory.asmx

9. After all this you can log out, everything has been saved automaticly already.

10. Now you only need to patch your Messenger. You only have to do this once, but if you ever are installing Messenger again (or updating or whatever), you need to repatch it again of course because the patch will be overwritten by updating/reinstalling. So, Download the patch at [url]http://www.msnfanatic.com/tabserv/[url], and run it. If the patch asks for your email, then fill it in (again, make sure that you don't make any mistake here. If you did, rerun the patch)... Click on "Ok".

11. Your Messenger is now patched and you can restart it. Log in and make sure that in the menu "Tools>Options>Privacy" the options "This is a shared computer....." are unchecked! If not, uncheck them and restart again...

12. If you did all that, you now have custom tabs AND custom games...

This seems like a lot to do, but realy it isn't. Remember, this is a very detailed step-by-step list. It is as easy as applying any other patch (including the Custom Games Patch from mess.be).... It all comes down to readin and following instructions...


This post was edited on 07-01-2004 at 10:40 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
07-01-2004 10:35 AM
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RE: Why Is My Game Menu Different Then Others ? ? ? - by CookieRevised on 07-01-2004 at 10:35 AM

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