Originally posted by Seraph
Hey, i'm new here so give me a chance
I'm not sure if this is a problem or if its meant to happen. Remember, when I installed Plus, all my contacts had already been added.
Ok so whenever I go into the contact-list-cleanup and look at the list, its wrong...
For people that I havent talked to in months, or even talked to at all, its says:
Last online=3 days Last chat=3days
So does it only work for people that you talk to, after installing Plus or what way does it work?
Also, is it not meant to show who has blocked you and who doesnt use msn anymore?
My contact list is almost full so I kinda want this to work
Thanks for any help.
Once a contact comes online then Plus! will record that and start counting from that day, same with the last chat. But in order for this to work you both need to be online.
Since I installed Messenger Plus!3, 4 days ago (Corrupt registry settings for my email) Plus! starts counting from that day (as seen in the attachment)
Plus! does not tell you who has blocked you or who doesn't use MSN anymore it will only say when you last chatted with someone and when they were last online when you were.