You know what would be funny? A timelapsed video, pointed at the biggest room in the old house, every x minutes a sshot, and we see how it gets emptied, then some footage/flashes of driving thru Canada to the new house, and then again timelapsed footage of the biggest room in the new house. All this with a happy tune underneath it, and to end a scene where you go from the timelaps to normal speed video and we see Patchou working again on his PC
Ending titles begins with zooming in on a Plus! logo on his monitor, logo becomes full screen on the video and a nice banner is shown: "Plus! 3.10 coming your way"...
of course, funny stuff can happen in the fast playing part (droping stuff, bumping into a wall or something or Plus!Babe screaming "oh nos, we forgot Patchou" and Fraisie looks at her watch and looks for him and finds him in the emptied bathroom doing Patate Spears and pointing her finger to Patchou saying "come on dude, let's move already") <= or all this in the sweeptakes at the end titles as sort of flashes/bloopers...