Well here's another thought of mine...
Kinda..I dont think we'll never get to that point...my idea i've posted few days ago...here's the quote...
Originally posted by johny
people...i just have this to say...
We weren't made to discover certain things...like the end of space...only the word in it..who called it space?a person who that is was enourmous...we are like a water drop in an ocean or a cloud in the sky...if someone has the answer for that question,please answer me how the world was born...i'm catholic and in my case i call it faith to believe in what god tell's us in the holy bible...
Just for the ones who don't believe in god...how do you think human kind appeard?:?
Like i said in a thread in wich we were discussion religious aspects...It just comes by (your idea) in what you believe in...