I'm trying to write a plugin in VB where i want to display a toast on the receivers pc.
But i dont know how to do this.
I do this in the ParseCommand function:
ElseIf (StrComp(LCase(sCommand), "/xmsg", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
sResult = Chr(nCCNotify) + "showm"
sResult = sResult & sCommandArg
ParseCommand = True
Exit Function
And this in the ReceiveNotify function:
If (StrComp(sNotifyCode, "showm", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
DisplayToast sText, "myplugin", "", True
ReceiveNotify = True
Exit Function
End If
When i send "/xmsg test" the toast appears at my pc AND at the receivers pc and the message "test" appears at BOTH message windows.
The only thing i want is that the toast appears at the receivers pc, NOT on my own and there shouldnt be displayed any text in the message window.
Can anyone help me to do this??