Originally posted by Mippo
But I don't get how you can suddenly get 115200 bps instead of 33000 or such, because it's a fault on their end and getting the port speed instead of the connect speed is something that is configured in your modem. It was probably some firmware problem, maybe no good V.90 (speeds above 33k6) interoperability between their modem(s) and yours, so you got V.34 connections (33k6 and under, so only analogue data, because speeds above 33k6 MUST have a digital V.90/V.92 carrier). If you get the normal connect speeds working, could you post your actual connect speed here?
They didn't give me a reason but all they said it was a problem on there end. But now I am getting a 39,000bps- 42,222 bps. I've only gotton the 115,000 bps connection 1 time so....