Originally posted by XxRebelSeanxX
They didn't give me a reason but all they said it was a problem on there end. But now I am getting a 39,000bps- 42,222 bps. I've only gotton the 115,000 bps connection 1 time so....
At least they got V.90 working for you... but it's still closer to an old 33k6 modem than 56k. There's not much you can do about that, but if you'd like a bit faster connecting times and better upstream speed (but your download will be limited to 33k6) you can check out this link:
http://www.modemsite.com/56k/ms.asp. Although ofcourse this is not what most people want.
You said you have two lines. They may be influencing eachother (not properly shielded), you could check that out. Try disconnecting all other phone devices and check if it helps the quality. Two pages on inside-house wiring are
http://www.modemsite.com/56k/demarc.asp and
http://www.modemsite.com/56k/cat5.asp. A page on bad 56k connects in general is
If this all doesn't work... well, it's probably a problem with the telco (bad line or such). You could also try another ISP, maybe your modem has better interoperability with another ISP (or there are less line "obstacles" to another ISP, like digital pads or (more) Robbed Bit Signalling links).