quote:Originally posted by Millenium_edition
at least google was creative by giving 1 gb... but yahoo and hotmail just copy what google did =/
Ooo... just one thing, they weren’t "Creative" in giving 1gb, they were cunning in planning a gimic to attract the 'crowds'. Creative isn’t making a ridiculously (kind of unnecessary) high storage space limit. Yes 1gb is.. well its nice, the bigger the better right? But having a system where you 'Archive' everything is there only 'creative' part when it comes to there difference with hotmail/yahoo/ect. You could say that they copied gmail, and you could be right.. but ive had gmail for a few weeks now, and to me.. its quality over quantity.. and that’s despite the beta form of it all. Not saying that hotmail is better quality, but it suits me fine
quote:Originally posted by Millenium_edition
rofl google still owns you know