O.P. Messenger Plus! 3.01.94....doesn't load
Okie I'm new to msg plus! and this is the first time I'm using it and I dunno wat's wrong wif it.
I'm currently running msn messenger 6.2 and I juz downloaded msg plus! version 3.01.94.
The problem is dat msg plus! doesn't load everytime I start my msn messenger, instead the Messenger Plus! Recovery window will be poping up.
After selecting dat "Repair and restart Messenger (recommended)", then only msg plus! will be loaded.
The same thing will happen again when I log off and exit msn messenger n then log in again.
Oh yeah.........I do not have any SmileyCentral running but I do have softwares like Zone Alarm Pro and Norton Antivirus running alongside messenger.
I really need help in resolving the problem as soon as possible. Thank you very much!!