Originally posted by BlackenedSky
Although they probably screwed up somewhere as with most things.
They don't screw up, most M$ software is the most stable out there...if a securety bug was found in WinAMP they'd be less scandle than in Windows Media Player because its made by M$, I assume you are just hating M$ for no reason...
Originally posted by BlackenedSky
Ah well, was all worth a try.
The best Block Checker creator was a guy named Daniel, he made the mess.be checker work with the protocol for as long as he could, but when he gave up because it was impossible, we all did...sorry, but there's really nothing that works unless you use a clone account (and the contact you check on has allowed "All other users") send them a message over the clone account and if it doesn't bounce back and they're offline in your account, you've been blocked...although 95% of users have blocked "All other Users", however some of the older users haven't...