I finaly made a new version of QTSender.
This version is much beter and easier too use.
In this version you can also send quotes.
The way of chosing a catagory (or theme) is never been used before in a Quote or Quiktexts sender (i think).
QTSender v2.0 is a totaly recoded version. (computer melted down...)
QTSender v2.0 readme
by çr@nK
QTSender sends a quiktext or a quote using a system based on two simple commands:
"/xqt" and "/xq".\nThe first one sends a quiktext out of a certain catagory,
the second one sends a quote out of a certain catagory.
(new catagory's will follow in new versions.)
To see the possible catagory's just send "/xq" or"/xqt".
There is a secret catagory a.k.a. easter egg... for the people who knew it in the older
versions this will be easy...
All Quiktexts and Quotes are colored, Quiktexts might send more then one msg.
Plugin and quiktexts by çr@nK, quotes by various persons.
/xqtsender => shows information about QTSender.
/xqtsversion => shows the version and build information.
/xqt => shows all possible Quiktext catagory's.
/xq => Shows all possible Quote catagory's.
/xqt <catagory> => sends a Quiktext out of a certain catagory.(hello,bye or insult +secret catagory)
/xq <catagory> => sends a Quote out of a certain catagory.(love,war,drugs or work)
How to install:
Close Messenger.
Run installer.
When warning pops up don't cancel but press the Ignore button.
How to Uninstall:
1. Close MSN Messenger
2. Go to start>configuration(screen) and open software.
3. Scroll down till you reach QTSender v2.03 and click it.
4. Press delete button and close Software.
5. Re-open MSN Messenger.
Version 2.03 now.