Originally posted by leejeffery
do i need to learn html or can i do it in dreamweaver?
well, it depends on what you are doing. HTML and CSS skills are very important tools. otherrwise, your code can be filled with wiered empty cells and ones with just spaces in them if you use the dreamweaver "Design" tab to deal with the layout and everything.
I use Dreamweaver at work and at home, but mostly in the coding section, as it provides useful tools like the CSS refernece and the little popup menus etc. But to make the whole site in the design section will make it very confusing code (i know from experience).
That being said, XHTML isn't very hard. its baisically HTML with a few tweaks so ur code doesn't look like a 2 year olds. and CSs is rather simple. C|Net has some great info on CSS
here(for a list), and specifically
and here. i used all of those, and they provided alot of help.
In a nutshell,
HTML and CSS=GOOD, dreamweaver design tab=not horrible