O.P. Saving / Retrieving partially transfered files? Maybe Plugin?
Is there anyway to retrieve a partially transfered file from MSN?
Especially JPEGs.
Many times I have had people sending me .jpeg files that have been cancelled half way through. Not due to them cancelling it but by their computer crashing, and it is starting to annoy me.
I know that picture files can still be viewed with only half their data, and I have been looking around for a way to retrieve a partially transfered file through MSN.
I have looked at the files deleted by windows using an un-delete program and have found no files which suit the picture that were deleted by MSN.
I have also looked around for remaining .tmp files and have also not found them.
So I am wondering if anyone knows how to retrieve these files or if there is a plugin that auto-saves cancelled transfers?
From a plug in point of view this seems to me to be quite simple to make, just find the file transfering, when it gets cancelled, stop msn from deleting it and move it to a specified folder.
What do you all think?