O.P. Start chatting to a friend when being in Appear off-line-status hangs Messenger
I don't know if this has been mentioned earlier (I DID search but could not find a thread) but when I start chatting/typing to a friend when I am "Appear off-line" messenger hangs.
This is what I do:
1. set status to "Appear off-line"
2. Double click a friend
3. The conversation window opens (you get a yellow warning message that you cannot type anything because you appear off-line)
4. If I now start typing Messenger hangs.... (I see the cursor flickering a LOT.... and I have to end the process via CAD...)
Is this a known bug, or am I alone...
Edit: My messenger specs are:
Messenger 6.2
Msg plus! 3.01.94
This post was edited on 08-11-2004 at 06:27 PM by T-PO.