Lopardo, that setting is for the maximal total connections. Black_Forky is talking about maximal connections a second. Which will be the setting SP2 is really changing?
But i think if it is no more then 10 connections a seconds, but you can still have enough total connections open the it will be ok. I don't think an average user (even a average BitTorrent user) needs more then 10 connections a seconds, if you really do then you can always change it back, just SP2 will enalbe the firewall by default. SP2 is just really aimed at security and clueless/lazy users. In that case it's really good to set security high by default, if users are good enough to do without such security, then they can also search for the info on how to do that. If you think it's to much work to search such info, then you're part of the lazy users