MenthiX, Jivlain ;
an EULA is always written to cover your own a$$(ets). as long as u dont abuse or *steal* costumers (wich i dont think you'll do if u use MSN protocol/program in an non-abusive way) .
if u read some patent-pending's in USA you'd find ALOT of wierd/funny/absurb patent's i belive that microsoft(or apple, not shure) has has the "dropdown" window patended, but they wont use it to destroy for other companies, it would not hold in court unless someone abused it into insanity (probably not possible
thus, if u dont interfere with M$ biz/assets you *should* be pretty safe, but be warned! even if microsoft KNOW they cant win in court, they can ruin you personally with courttime! :/
legal notice :
anything written by me should never be trusted or taken as the law, if u want to try your legal rights agains *ANY* mayor company be my guest, but *I* cant be responsible, by reading _THIS_ line you accept my terms of use.
the phunny thing is that my "lame-o-EULA" probably is legal but im not shure, even if its not and u sue me, i will be in the clear because im in sweden and we have better laws here