Originally posted by buqingzi
I have an ugly hack. No let me elaborate... it's ugly.
1) Create a file name "Hotmail.cmd" somewhere...
write in it:
@C:\Program Files\maxthon.exe http://www.hotmail.com
(or where the hell your x browser exe is)
2) Login to your Hotmail account... Click "Sign me in automatically" at the login page.
3) Regedit
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} \LocalServer32
and change the reg key to "C:\....*your directory*...\Hotmail.cmd"
It's ugly.
Have I told you it's ugly yet?
Okay I did all of this and when i click to go to my email inbox in messenger it flashes this command prompt with nothing in it that says at the top C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe. It flashes it for like a millisecond then it does nothing. I tried it with both a .cmd file and a .bat, both of which do the exact same thing. It also does this exact same thing when i open Hotmail.cmd and Hotmail.bat