RE: Halo 2 Cover Design Contest!!!!!
wow me and my friend jesse just played some xbconnect and beat these guys 50 to 10 in chiron shotguns, was the 2 of us verses 6 others we each got 2 killtaculars and i got one running riot where as my friend jesse aka Xer0Mercy (im Overlord...duh) got 2 running riots in a row, that crap was crazy i think thats our recored in chiron shotguns, oh and if anyone else wants to play us or "chalenge" us save the name Xer0Mercy on ur buddy list for xbconnect (oh and btw in his name that is a zero not an "O"...just to clarify) we will be playing most of tomorrow (Sunday) and next weekend, we usualy only play on weekends anyway. If u see us on just get in the room and say that ur answering Overlord's
, peace
P.S. i hope to see some of u answering too we need competition, we just stopped playing not too long ago cuz we were bored, everyone just sucked tonight for some reason...we won EVERY TIME, it can get
ya i know, i have the template, and that is wut i (SETTING AN EXAMPLE)
ya did u notice my little "tip" post i made for everyone, lol, i was just tired of seeing the same graphics and the mistakes over and over, hopofully it helps everyone