O.P. RE: [KSMAS] KeyStorm Multi Avatar Script - RC1 Released! (2004-08-23)
This is wierd, I reckon. If you could attach the source code of that page it would be helpful, too.
I can't think of any other explanation than the setup file being deleted by some mystic reason. Once you can give me the source I'll try to find the bug.
Btw, The setup creates a folder called KSMAS in the place you put the setup.php script, so you don't need to create a special folder for it. Additionally, changing the name of the KSMAS folder is not permitted.
This is all about it. Please, report anything related to this, thank you.
To toddy: It's very probable that the banner causes the script to fail. It depends on the way your host adds the banner to your page. Nonetheless, try to use the username.png acces URL.