Originally posted by Ezra
I've got a little question... I can't seem to login . When i go to ../KSMAS/index.php. It asks for a username and an password, but it just keeps asking it, and after three times it says I have to reload to try again.
Please I need to know the version and the instalation mode (or if you switched from single to multiple).
In the past I have also experienced such things. You may also send me the contents of include/config.inc.php for me to take a look at it.
Additionally, if you want to change your password manually (well, there's no other way to achieve it
) is opening your config.inc.php and edit the ['pw'] or the ['admin_pw'] keys in the list.
To do it set them to
['admin_pw'] => md5('Your password here')
The next time something is changed to it from KSMAS (like setting or upload). The password will get encrypted automatically (well, let's better call it hashed