Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by saintgtril
Gosh, seems that the reply is out of point. What i meant is that is there any way of knowing whether the contact is at his machine even though his/ her status is set to away and that is done deliberately by him/her)
yep, use the phone
This is so true, since the internet we have truly become lazy. What I posted will show you if their status is set to idle. Meaning they haven't touched their mouse in X many minutes so you would have an idea if they are there or not. If the person sets their status it will never be idle. the idle status will never overwrite anystatus. (example you put your status to away and walk away, Messenger wont change it to idle). This is the best and easiest way to see if their computer hasn't been used in a bit besides Chronos oh so intelligent way.