Originally posted by lhunath
Don't play smart lad. For one, how on earth can you say Firefox is the best when you haven't even tried a decent share of other browsers. Sure it's better than IE on most basises. But most browsers are. Those things you said are supported by a wide range of other browsers, including Opera, which, I don't think, you tried. You are what is the consequence of ignorant and blind browser wars.
I tried Opera a while ago. Well, I guess you are right, Opera has changed a lot after that so I guess it's pretty equal with Firefox (I can't imagine that it would be lightyears afead of Firefox). I actuelly ditched Opera because at that time I tought that IE was better. My friend has Opera, and according to him there are many small things that I would find annoying. Bah, I was wrong, you were right. As always