RE: Please consider
Well, again, I assure you that the package I distribute in Plus! is not the same kind of package you may have heard about in some web site... first, it is importantto know that my package is 100% "child friendly". There is no porn whatsoever included in it. Secondly, there's nothing wrong with the package.. itdoesn'Tdo anything "trojan like".. a trojan is installed on your computer without knowing it and without displaying any kind of agreement. Then, it sends your personal data to servers that collect it. My sponsor doesn't do that at all. The only thing it does is displaying ads related to your web searches.
I've been installign this package for more than a year now and you can beleive that with the amount of users I have, Messenger Plus! wouldalready be dead if mysponsor was doing the things youthink it does. I am very careful about the reputation of my soft but I can'tdoanything against some site that spit on it because I include an optional waytosupport it. And you can besureof something: I would get the same amount of complaints even if my sponsor was just displaying one advertisement every year It's just the fact that I install someads that bothers people, not the fact that it comes from C2Media (at least, for most of them). I've already searched for other companies providing similar services and I assure you that the best one I found are C2Media: they are very reliable, have a good technical support for developers like myself and react quicly to problems. Your PC won't crash after installing their software, you won't get 20 porn advertisement in the week following the installation and there will be no dialers installed that tried to reach porn services in Africa.