Originally posted by Patchou
It seems that many people who uninstall Plus!, unisntall it during the first day of use. This is in part due by the fact that many people expect something different (like Trillian). These people will never see a trace of the sponsor on their system, it'slike somekind of trial period.
And what about the people who keep Plus! after 1 day. Wont many complain with the "sneaky"-argument? Also, because it is put on after 1 day it can be seen as a more devious way to hide the fact that Plus! comes with a sponsor. In a sense those people have now more rights in saying it is spyware. Also, more people maybe wont put the link between the installed adware and Plus! and use methods like ad-aware to remove it...
Dunno, in a way it is a good thing (seeing it from the point of someone who knows what's going on), but on the other hand it seems that it can do more harm then good (seeing it from the point of view from someone who doesn't know what's going on or from someone who work/reports for those anti-spyware things)
Only time will tell I suppose...