I'm behind you 100% Patchou. I really think that Plus is a superlative piece of software, free or otherwise. Some people think that saying this consitutes a$$ kissing, but I think it merely means you have my upmost respect.
Many pieces of software are made by a group of faceless coders, while the public only see the customer support team. The fact that you put yourself out there, and regularly participate on the forums sets you apart.
What is really sad is that you have been forced to write a post like this by some people who have so little respect/knowledge/manners/brains. Its unfair that you have to put up with some of the critisism on here, and no doubt through other channels. Do people forget that you are only human after all, and to insult Plus is to really insult you? Perhaps they do not realise just how much a piece of software can mean to someone, especially one that has been part of your daily routine for over 3 years
You have proved to be a most gracious and moral host for us all. Just look at the community that you created just by writing a piece of software.
You have my total support now, and in the future. I really hope that the few idiots don't get you down...