quote:From the IRC #MsgPlus channel (30 minutes ago)
<Patchou> hey everyone
<Patchou> who's interested in some Messenger 7 compatibility news?
<Patchou> ok... well, I'm happy to say that after 3 nights, a lot of pepsi and some sushi, Plus! is already 2/3 compatible with Messenger 7
<Patchou> the big work I'll have to do now is support the new contact list interface to find a way to add the Plus! icon, support customer names, etc...
<Patchou> ... and you can tell people that it's nice if they want to test but I already have my tester list :)
<Patchou> anyway, with some luck, I'll release a version entirely compatible by the end of the month, maybe before depending on how it goes
<Patchou> see ya all later
<Time> this is compatible with which build in specific?
<Patchou> with all builds.. Plus! is not a crack ;)
<Patchou> it takes more than a buildchange to break it
<Time> haha, nice
* Patchou (~tidus@MsgPlus-F830AB4C.sympatico.ca) Quit