O.P. feat.sugg: custom contact name prefix
eh, I have a suggestion for an MsgPlus feature...
You know how there are those certain people on your list who you talk to much more often than others... but if you have a huge contact list, even with groups, it's still hard to spot them sometimes.
And you also know how nicknames are arranged alphabetically and stuff? Well if we could add a prefix to a contact's name, they would appear at the top. Unlike the current feature where you rename the entire contact's name and dont get to see any nickname changes they make... this'll allow you to still see your contacts name PLUS (haha "Plus!") have them appear at the top.
It'd be more convenient than making another group... since i've made way too many groups already it's already getting confusing!
What does everyone think?
This post was edited on 10-05-2004 at 03:22 AM by thinkamc.