Originally posted by CookieRevised
Also note that the big difference between MSN Messenger, Plus! and plugins is that MSN Messenger is used by everybody. Plus! is not used by everybody, but those who use it espect to use a "safe" non-intrusive application. And although plugins are supported by Plus!, they must be used at the users own risk. If the user chooses to use a intrusive plugin, that's his choice. But that user can't force anybody else to use a certain plugin (eg: oversized emoticons in StuffPlug-NG; both need the plugin for this to work). So there are the three big differences between the three types of programs.
I'm sorry, but I still don't agree with your reasoning here. It just seems like you're drawing bogus conclusions. If your "everybody is using it" logic is the determining factor, then why can I write a simple script in php and immediately determine what operating system you are using, what browser and version you are using, the ip address of your computer, what browser plugins you have installed on your machine, and whether or not you have enabled javascript. Is this a breach of privacy? Some may think it is, but I happen to think not, along with Microsoft, Apple, Macromedia, Intel and many others. In my eyes, it is simply a method for finding out more about the users of my applications so I can enhance their web-browsing experience.
Originally posted by CookieRevised
The only thing that I've said is that this suggestion (auto-checking for Plus! in a hidden way) is a breach of privacy and therefore will not be added. If that is too difficult to believe, and a reason to start a heavy discussion then so be it, but facts stay facts. And this isn't to play the "the all knowing person"; This is me informing people that it is a privacy issue and/or flooding issue and will not be added because of that, just like I said in my first post in this thread.
Again, I think the problem is not that you're trying to be helpful, but the rather demeaning tone and blatant calling of something a "fact" that isn't truly a fact. Your insight is usually quite helpful. The "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude is not.