RE: Fresh news about Messenger 7
not that patchou doesnt serve lots of credit.. i could be wrong but i dont think u guys should be thinking that this meeting or whatever is gonna be about him and/or messenger plus. patchou was just invited to it.. along with other people that are involved with msn products... its like having a public meeting and inviting people that would be interested in what goes on at the meeting just so everyone is informed.
microsoft probably just invited all the developers of plugins they think are benefiting their software so they can inform them of the major programming changes in the way msn 7 works.
that would be my guess on why they invited patchou. (and everyone else who they invite). just to say "this is how the new communication model will work with msn 7" (or whatever programming aspect its about). that way they dont lose fans who will only use msn 7 if they have msn plus working for it.
k thats my two cents lol