Originally posted by Attitude Extreme
I agree it is a bit confusing with were you should post something about a video game so a sub forum would clear this confusment.
I play games nearly all of the time and I would talk about them to the death lol so it would be nice if there was a game forum for me and for others as I am sure there are people like me!
Whys it so hard to find General Chit Chat, it doesn't really fit into any other category. Why should 'gamers' deserve a sub forum, people come in and talk about the sponsor agreement constantly, they don't get a forum called "Sponsor Agreement Chat", I don't see why its any different. If anything, then people to do with the sponsor agreement deserve a forum more. This is
NOT a forum dedicated to games, try gamezville? OXM? any others, a forum for gaming, just not this one..
If you'd play them till death, then i'm sure it wouldn't be to hard to his the keys 'www.google.com' then one mouse click into the text box and type in 'games forum'.