Nokia 5130
- Bulky => relative big compared to the sizes of todays phones (although certainly not a negative point for me, see below). (170g, 132 x 47.5 x 31mm)
- Only place for 200 names in phonebook (But I don't need more, tbh)
+ Bulky => I have this phone for many years now. It has fallen to the ground, stepped one, been put in the rain, used in very dusty environments, etc... etc... But it never broke and always has worked like it should. Todays phone are very delicate and are too small (When I use phones of other people, I always am afraid of squeezing them together, and I sometimes wonder how on earth I should press the buttons without the use of a small pin).
Slang used for this kind of "old" phones is "bricks". The word says it all: hard to break. It is also very cheap. And above all, it is a mobile phone... (not a semi-computer of which you don't use all the functions anyways, and some of the features is that you can make a phonecall with it
If I ever want to buy a new one it would be a same basic kind of phone, like a Nokia 3310...